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中英双语律师网 Bilingual Lawyers


Bilingual Lawyers

语言之师    商务之友

Legal Sense        Business Acumen


Professional Solution

Law & Practice in China
双语特别专栏  Bilingual Column


Chief  Attorney

* 硕士学位,拥有十四年工作经验的资深律师

* Master Degree, Senior Attorney, with over 14 years of work experiences

* 精通诉讼策略和技巧,熟知各种争议解决机制,了解商务运作需求和文化差异

* Expansive expertise in litigation strategy, strong business acumen

* 全国知名大型综合性律所工作经验

* Years of work experiences at top-tier law firms

* 全球知名财富500强外企工作经验

* Years of work experiences at Fortune 500 companies

* 担任数家企业常年法律顾问

* Acting as legal counselor for dozens of companies

Invest in China 外商在华投资篇
Labor Disputes 各种劳动争议篇
Employee Monetary Rights 员工金钱利益篇
Merger & Acquisition 兼并收购篇
International Disputes 涉外争议解决篇
Employment of Foreigners 外国人在中国就业篇
International Marriage 跨国婚姻篇
Commercial Bribery 商业贿赂篇
Anti-Monopoly 反垄断风云篇
Construction Disputes 建设工程风险纠纷篇
Information Disclosure 信息公示制度篇
Contract Disputes 合同纠纷篇
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