指導目錄 Guidance of Industries
《指導外商投資方向規定》具體體現了中國政府對於外商 投資的產業政策,將外商投資项目分為鼓勵、允許、限制和禁止四類。鼓勵類、 限制類和禁止類的外商投資项目,列入《外商投資產業指導目錄》(2011年修訂)。不屬於 鼓勵類、限制類和禁止類的外商投資项目即未列入《外商投資產業指導目錄》 的项目,為允許類外商投資項目。
對符合《外商投資產業指導目錄》鼓勵類和限制類、並轉讓技術的外商投資项目,在投資總額內進□的自用設備,除《外商投資项目不予免税的進□商品目錄》所列商品外,免征關税和進□環節增值税。鼓勵類外商投資項目,除依照有關法律、行政法規的規定享受優惠待遇外,從事投資額大、回收期長的能源、交通、城市基礎設施(煤炭、石油、 天然氣、電力、鐵路、公路、港口、機場、城市道路、汙水處理、垃圾處理等) 建設、經營的,經批准,可以擴大與其相關的經營範圍。
Chinese government's foreign investment-related industrial policies are embodied in the Provisions on Guiding the Orientation of Foreign Investment, according to which projects with foreign investment fall into 4 categories, namely encouraged, permitted, restricted and prohibited ones. The projects with foreign investment that are encouraged, restricted and prohibited are listed in the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries (Amended in 2011). And those that don't fall into the categories of encouraged, restricted or prohibited projects are the permitted projects with foreign investment, which are not listed in the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries.
Foreign investment projects falling into the encouraged and the restricted category in the Catalogue and involving technology transfer, imported equipment for self-use within the aggregate investment, excluding commodities listed in the Catalogue of Import Commodities for Foreign Investment Projects with no Tax Exemption, are exempted from the tariffs and import value-added tax. With respect to encouraged Foreign Investment Projects, the preferential treatment specified in the relevant laws and administrative regulations are offered. For those who engage in the construction or operation of a project involving energy, transportation and urban infrastructure (including coal, petroleum, natural gas, power, rails, roads, harbors, airports, urban roads, wastewater treatment, garbage disposal, etc..), wherein a large investment is made and a long term is required for recouping the capital outlay, the business scope thereof may also be expanded to cover the related items subject to approval.
In 1999, with the implementation of China's Western Development Strategy, to encourage domestic and foreign enterprises to invest in the region, relevant government departments promulgated the Catalogue of Advantaged Industries for Foreign Investment in the Central-Western Region. The newly amended Catalogue of Advantaged Industries for Foreign Investment in the Central-Western Region was promulgated in 2013. Foreign-invested projects falling within the Catalogue herein may enjoy the preferential policies for foreign-invested projects under the encouraged category.