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Jennifer Jiang invited to serve as a Guest Arbitrator

for the William C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot 2015  in Shanghai


Jennifer Jiang (Middle) Served As the Chief Arbitrator for the Competition between Doshisha University and National Law University Delhi on March 11, 2015


Jennifer Jiang (left) Served As one of the Arbitrators for the Competition between SungKyunKwan University and Wuhan University on March 11, 2015


Jennifer Jiang at the Moot Problem Discussion Conference


Certificate of Appreciation to Jennifer Jiang from the Moot Shanghai Organizer


About the William C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot


The Moot is organized by the Association for the Organization and Promotion of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Verein zur Veranstaltung und Förderung des Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot). Institutional members of the Verein are Pace University, Queen Mary (University of London), Stockholm University, University of Vienna, Austrian Arbitration Association, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Moot Alumni Association, and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (Secretary of UNCITRAL is member ex officio).

The Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot is a competition for law students. Students from all countries are eligible. The Moot involves a dispute arising out of a contract of sale between two countries that are party to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The contract provides that any dispute that might arise is to be settled by arbitration in Danubia, a country that has enacted the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration and is a party to the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. The arbitral rules to be applied rotate yearly among the arbitration rules of co-sponsors of the Moot.

第五届国际模拟商事仲裁庭上海赛(Moot Shanghai 2015)Moot Shanghai 2015吸引了10多个国家和地区的30所大学多达200名法学院学生参加竞赛,其中包括著名的英国中殿律师学院、美国罗犹拉芝加哥大学、日本早稻田大学、韩国成均馆大学、新加坡国立大学以及中国的北京大学、厦门大学、武汉大学、华东政法大学等国内外一流法学院校。

在竞赛中,学生将就国际贸易法和国际商事仲裁的仿真案例进行模拟仲裁,从初赛到决赛的总共七十一场比赛中,每一场比赛均由一个由三名执业律师、仲裁员或大学教授组成的“仲裁庭”进行评审并决出胜负。在完成第五届国际模拟商事仲裁庭上海赛后,参赛队将奔赴维也纳和香港参加由联合国贸易法委员会主办的,由全球逾300所大学参加的Willem C. Vis国际模拟商事仲裁庭竞赛正赛。

自2012年以来,参加Moot Shanghai的队伍已经连续三年在维也纳或香港夺冠,而Moot Shanghai也被Markus Altenkirch博士在其出版的《Willem C. Vis国际模拟商事仲裁庭竞赛完整指引》中列为全球国际模拟商事仲裁庭竞赛的Top 10。